MFA: Signing into your account using two-step verification

Sign in with a phone call

The following information describes the two-step verification experience with a call to your mobile or office phone.

1.     Sign in to an application or service such as Microsoft 365 using your username and password.

2.     Microsoft calls you.

3.     Answer the phone and press the # key.

Sign in with a text message

The following information describes the two-step verification experience with a text message to your mobile phone:

1.     Sign in to an application or service such as Microsoft 365 using your username and password.

2.     Microsoft sends you a text message that contains a verification code.

3.     Enter the code in the box provided on the sign-in page.

Sign in with the Microsoft Authenticator app

The following information describes the experience of using the Microsoft Authenticator app for two-step verifications. There are two different ways to use the app. You can receive push notifications on your device, or you can open the app to get a verification code.

1.     Sign in using your username and password.

2.     Microsoft sends a notification to the Microsoft Authenticator app on your device.

3.     Open the notification on your phone and enter the two digit code that is presented on your screen.

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Article ID: 156664
Thu 1/25/24 9:50 AM
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