Self Service Password Reset

Tags password

If you forgot your school password, never received a password, or have been locked out of your account, you can use your personal email or mobile device to reset your school password.

An instructional video can be viewed here.

1. Navigate to or choose "Forgot your password?" option from the log in screen.

2. Enter your email address and choose "Next".

  • Employee accounts are formatted:
  • Student accounts are formatted:

3. Select either your personal email or phone to verify your identity.

4. Enter the verification code you have received.

  • If you used an alternate email - check your alternate emails inbox for a message from Microsoft that includes a password reset code. Enter the code into the reset tool to proceed.

5. You are now prompted to enter and confirm your new password. Please allow a few minutes before attempting to sign in with your new password.

Password requirements:

  • Minimum of 8 characters.
  • Contain the following characters:   
    • Upper and lowercase letters.
    • Numeric digits (0 through 9).
    • Special characters ( !,@,#,$ …).
  • Your password cannot contain:
    • Your name.
    • asdf or password.
    • spring, summer, fall, autumn, winter.
    • January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

For further assistance, please call the Help Desk at (708) 608-4357.




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