How to Submit Midterm Verifications



This article will show you how to enter and submit Midterm Verifications in Faculty Self-Service.

Steps to submit Midterm Verification

Login to MVConnect 

Click on Faculty and Staff 

Under Faculty>Faculty Information, click on New Faculty Self-Service. 

Select course you need to enter in Midterm Verification 

From the view below, select the Grading Tab

 Midterm Verification 
To enter in Midterm Verification, click on the Grading tab.

  1. Select Midterm Verification

  Midterm Verification 
Click on Midterm Verification to access Midterm Verification submission.  

  1. You have two verification options when submitting Midterm Attendance “N” or “V”  


If by Midterm Verification, a student fails to demonstrate progressive academic attendance, and/or has stopped attending, the student should be marked as “N” for No Longer Attending / Not Attending.


For students that have been in regular attendance and/or are making academic progress, the student should be marked as "V" for Verified Attending

  1. For students that have dropped or withdrawn prior to Midterm Verification, you will still see their name appear on your roster, but no option to enter a status. You may skip those students / no entry required.

Once you have reviewed all students in your section, you must click on the blue Midterm Grading Complete button  Midterm Verification 
To submit Midterm Verification, click on the Midterm Grading Complete button.  

a. If you do not hit the CONTINUE button on the next pop-up, the record is left open and will be reported as missing Midterm Attendance  Midterm Verification 
Click Continue to complete your Midterm grading.   

  1. Once submitted, a timestamp of when you completed your Midterm Verification will appear under the Midterm Grading Complete button.

Additional Resources

If you experience issues with Self-Service, please contact the Help Desk at 708-608-4357.

If you need to make corrections to your Midterm Verification, please call Registration at: 708-974-2110 or email