How to Submit Final Grades

Steps to enter in Final Grades

  1. Login to MVConnect 
  2. Click on Faculty and Staff 
  3. Under Faculty>Faculty Information, click on New Faculty Self-Service. 
  4. Select course you need to enter in Final Grades 
  5. From the view below, select the Grading Tab:

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  1. Select Final Grades:

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  1.   From the Final Grade tab, select from the drop down the final grade for each student:


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  1. For dropped or withdrawn students:
    1. Near the student’s profile, you will see a notation if a student has dropped or withdrawn.  The final grade field will be blocked to prevent you from entering in a grade:

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  1. Once you have completed entering in final grades for all students, click on the POST GRADES button
  2. After clicking on the POST GRADES button, you will need to confirm posting by reviewing total grades posting for your roster against total enrolled student to ensure all grades are accounted for (highlighted example in yellow).
  3. Once you have finished your final review, click on the Post Grades button located in the pop-up. Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)
  4. After you click the final POST GRADES button, you will not be able to go back and make corrections. Please contact Registration at 708-974-2110 or


Entering in Incomplete Grades

1. When entering in an Incomplete grade, the agreed upon expiration date must also be entered 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


Incomplete Grade Contract is still recommended to be completed.  


After you click the final POST GRADES button, you will not be able to go back and make corrections. Please contact Registration at 708-974-2110 or



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