How To: Upload COVID-19 Vaccination Documents for Students in Cleared 4


The purpose of this article is to show users how to Upload COVID-19 Documents for Students with Cleared 4.


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How To

These are the steps that must be followed:

Step 1: Navigate to and log in with your Moraine Valley Credentials.

Step 2: Select 'Users' on the left navigation pane.

Step 3: Next, you will be brought to the following dashboard:

Step 4: Under the drop down for All Groups, select whether the user is a Student or Employee:

Step 5: Next, you can search the user by any of the following fields by clicking the drop-down next to the Search window:

Step 6: Once you have found the user you are looking for, select their name and you will be brought into their Cleared4Class Profile.

Step 7: Under Groups – Make sure the user is in the correct group:

Step 8: Then, scroll down to Vaccination Information – This is where you will select Add Vaccination, and upload the user’s Vaccine Card:

Step 9: Next, you will be taken to this screen where you must enter your department in the Description Field.

Also, on this screen, you must select the Vaccination Vendor.

Lastly, you will indicate whether the upload displays a single Dose or Both Doses:

Step 10: Final Step – Press Save and verify that the data has been uploaded successfully.

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