Student Services: Main Campus/Palos Hills - Printing Locations


The purpose of this article is to provide information about the resources and help available on campus.


This article explains the locations of the public printing areas and cost to print at the main campus.

Additional Resources

Technology article: For more information, please contact the Help Desk at (708) 608-4357 or stop by T520.


Printing is available in the Library for 10 cents for a single page or 15 cents for a two-sided page.

The public computers default to two-sided (back-to-back) printing. If you need to print single sided pages, change the settings in your printers box to single sided. 

Color printing is available at 50 cents per page for color.  You can pay with cash, coins or a Moraine Valley Community College print card. 



A printing kiosk located in the middle of the T-Building near the vending and lounge area.



A printing kiosk is located within the CyberCafe in Building D. 



A printing kiosk is located within the Library.

A secondary printing kiosk is located within the Library.


If you have any questions with the above instructions, please reach out to the Moraine Valley Help Desk. The Help Desk can be reached by visiting the “Services” tab at the top of this page, emailing, or calling 708-608-HELP (708-608-4357).

*Please note the article ID so we may assist you faster*

Print Article


Article ID: 13124
Wed 5/11/16 9:13 AM
Mon 12/9/19 3:08 PM