Personal Windows 10 Device Malware Protection


This article will show you how to protect your personal Windows 10 Device from malware.


These are some easy steps that will help secure your Windows 10 Device.

 Section 1. Keep your system up to date​​​​​​​

1. Click the start button 

2. Click on the settings gear, then update and security

3.   Use the Windows Update section to verify your system is up to date and automatic updates are enabled


 Section 2. Verify you have Antivirus Software

1. Use the Windows Security section to verify you have an Antivirus software set up and scanning automatically

2. Windows Defender is the Antivirus that comes with Windows 10, you can use this for free if you do not have a third-party Antivirus, check status here

3. The Malwarebytes application is a free third-party software that can be used to supplement Windows Defender: (This is free for personal non-business Windows 10 Devices)

Additional Resources

More information can be found at: